
Create a world-class organization and high-performance team at Vistage and in your company. Push beyond “good enough” in every interaction. Have the courage to be bold and set high goals. Always challenge yourself to find a better way....

Seek first to understand the story behind your fellow members’ beliefs that are stopping or guiding them. Take pride in asking revealing questions that clarify the issues rather than offering solutions disguised as questions. Remember that the quality of the answer is directly related to...

Seek and give feedback graciously, for the success of the group depends on feedback. Demonstrate that you care about your fellow members’ business and personal lives, and know that they care about yours. Challenge the status quo with respect and urgency. If you disagree, do...

Hold group confidentiality sacred. Treat every discussion as important; it is to the person who initiated it. Don’t diminish conversations with inappropriate humor. Demonstrate trust by honoring commitments, being reliable, and being there for each other. Have each other’s backs at all times....