The #1 difference-maker to effective leadership – and how to develop it

The #1 difference-maker to effective leadership – and how to develop it

The evidence is overwhelming that EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is the most sought-after leadership characteristic, and an essential trait for leading effectively in the long-term.

If you have high EQ, it will be a difference-maker in your success.

Here’s some great news.  EQ has the capacity to grow over a lifetime.  This may be one of the many good reasons we often seek the wise counsel of our most senior leaders, parents and grandparents.  They have built a foundation of an emotional healthy perspective grounded in time and experience. Our peer to peer advisory board through Vistage also serves this important role.

Harness Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Business Success

Improve your own leadership abilities by understanding your emotional intelligence profile in this half-day workshop.

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How to Activate & Grow Your Emotional Intelligence

Where does that leave us today?  What can we do to activate and grow our EQ at an accelerated rate?  Many of us intuitively know EQ is valuable, and yet struggle to gain a greater level in the short-term.  We don’t want to wait until we become that wise ol’ veteran when we need it so often for the specific challenges we face today.

EQ is activated and grown by first increasing awareness.  Awareness provides better choices on the way we manage both our self and others.  This graphic adapted by Daniel Goleman of the Harvard Business School depicts the components of EQ. 

Emotional Intelligence Graphic from Harvard Business
Improving emotional intelligence means growing in a personal and a social capacity.

Increased awareness can come from:

  • Direct experience
  • Formal education
  • Books, articles, and white papers
  • Class room learning
  • Webinars, podcast, and e-learning
  • Performance reviews
  • 360’s
  • Personality assessments like MBTI, DISC and Strength-Finders
  • Spiritual study
  • Coaching and feedback (from a Vistage peer advisory group, team members at work, friends, and family members)

About Vistage Peer to Peer Advisory Boards

Peer to Peer advisory boards offer organizational leaders the opportunity to develop and transform their emotional intelligence both professionally and personally. Vistage, the world’s leading peer to peer advisory board company with over 22,000 members in 21 countries and 1,000+ Chairs, uses peer to peer advisory boards that meet monthly for ½ to a full day. Meetings are moderated by professionally certified Chairs and individual members receive a monthly coaching session in some programs.

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Coaching & Feedback Deliver the Best Payoff

Of all of these, only one has an immediate and specific payoff giving you direct control—coaching and feedback.

If the goal is to activate your EQ through valuable candid coaching and feedback, then what’s your best way to guarantee you receive it? You must ask for it!

Don’t assume others feel comfortable coming to you to give coaching and feedback even if you’ve given them carte blanche permission.  It’s only human for them to hold back.  Help them overcome a perception they’ll hurt your feelings, or you’ll judge them for judging you.

To be highly effective when asking for coaching/feedback, be sure to:

Be specific

  • “How might I be more effective running the weekly status meeting, so others feel included and want to contribute?”
  • “Will you give me feedback on the sales team’s reaction to my message at the upcoming townhall?”
  • “When I give performance reviews, do I dwell too much on the negative items, or harp on the details?”

Learn more about this Vistage Fundamental.

Be curious

  • “What’s your opinion on how I might be more influential in the key budget decision taking place next week?”
  • “What might I do to get a higher level of buy-in when I announce the upcoming branding initiative?”
  • “How am I coming across to others with my attitude when I discuss the sensitive issues we encounter?”

Learn more about this Vistage Fundamental.

Be grateful

  • “Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback with me. How might I be a help to you?”
  • “When you shared your thoughts with me about my energy level during the client meeting, it meant a lot to me.  It will help me adjust and do better the next time.”
  • “I’m grateful you care enough to give me the candid feedback on my blind spots.”

Learn more about this Vistage Fundamental.

Increasing EQ Awareness is One Question Away

Your ability to increase EQ awareness and add powerful choices to act upon is just one good question away.  Ask others with open-minded curiosity and receive their feedback with grateful sincerity. Coaching and feedback is the EQ gift that keeps on giving, but only if you ask for it, and receive it with grace.

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